Template Responsive Blogger Terbaik |
Template Responsive Blogger Terbaik - Perkembangan tehnologi saat ini sangat mempengaruhi dunia online. Visitor dewasa ini mengakses internet tidak hanya terpaku dengan PC, melainkan sudah dipermudah dengan berbagai peralatan mobile. Seperti, handphone, gadget, tablet, dan lainnya.
Dalam hal ini, jelas merupakan kabar baik. Karena potensi pengunjung sebuah blog secara otomatis akan meningkat seiring dengan bertambahnya jumlah masyarakat mengkonsumsi internet karena semakin mudah. Tapi disisi lain, para blogger sendiri sudah boleh mulai berpikir untuk beranjak mengganti
template-nya dengan yang
RESPONSIVE.Kenapa?? Sebagian besar blogger sebenarnya sudah memahami arti
template responsive. Yakni template yang mampu menyesuaikan tampilannya pada gadget mobile. Tampilannya kurang lebih sama dengan versi desktop
. Tapi akan menyesuaikan dengan alat yang digunakan baik landscape atau potrait secara sempurna.
Untuk itu, berikut rekomendasi
All About Blogspot Templates untuk dapat menjadi pertimbangan pilihan
Template Responsive Blogger Terbaik. Monggo... dilihat-lihat dulu:
Sensational Responsive Blogger Template
Sensational Responsive Blogger Template |
Sensational is a Responsive blogger template which was created by My Theme Shop And I converted It into a Responsive blogger Template. It is a three column layout with a nice design. It has Many custom features including Responsive Flex Slider. Ok Lets take a live demo to see all the features working live.
The main Features of Sensational - A Responsive Blogger Template: Nice and Clean Design, Responsive Theme Layout, Responsive Flex Slider,SEO Optimized, Fast loading Theme, 3 Column layout, 2 Navigation Menus, Custom About me widget, Page navigation Widget, Stunning Threaded Comments Section, Customized heading tags (h1 to h6), Custom Code View Feature, Custom Post Highlighters (4 Types)
Minimum Responsive Blogger Template
Minimum Responsive Blogger Template |
After Last release of Sensational Responsive Blogger Template, right now I'm Releasing a New Responsive Blogger Template called Minimum Responsive.This is a Blogger template that has been converted from Wordpress to blogger.This theme was first released by Studiopress. This theme comes with inbuilt Super SEO and Complete search engine Optimization.Also this blogger template is quite responsive which means that this could fit any screen flawlessly
Balance Responsive Blogger Template
Balance Responsive Blogger Template |
Balance is free responsive blogger templates created by designer who also make Copy Blogger V2 that we had posted before. The designer look understand what Google and most visitors want because when I open the demo templates, wow this was very fast loading but also still give the elegant look. Simple, minimalist, fast loading, elegant and clean design are the main feature of Balance responsive blogger template.
Created in 2 column design with sidebar on the right side and 3 column footer with white as main colors matched with soft brown color make this template look more clean but the designer said this templates also had good SEO structure in it.
Copyblogger Responsive Blogger Template
Copyblogger Responsive Blogger Template |
Copy Blogger V2 is a free responsive blogspot templates created by blog tips and trick. This free blogger responsive templates was an updated version of Copy Blogger templates which was first released on December 2011. This is fully dynamic and responsive template for blogspot user designed with nice and clean design and also very elegant grid style design.
Like Main Photo templates, Copy Blogger V2 also using white as a main color with a little touch of red and black colors. If you see the demo site you will know how fast this templates loading time although already including ready page navigation's, threaded comment's and drop down navigation's menus. Copy Blogger V2 responsive templates was 2 column blogger template design with 3 column footer.
Johny Ribet Responsive Blogger Template
Johny Ribet Responsive Blogger Template |
Johny Ribet is very simple responsive blogger template with 2 column. It's just a simple template blogger with white and red color, related post thumbnail in each every post, floating social bookmark, 3 column footer and 1 right sidebar. Tag H1 and H2 ready for more SEO and visitor friendly to your blog. You can use this template for your daily blog. You can use this template for free.
Demikian rekomendasi Template Responsive Blogger Terbaik, semoga bermanfaat dan terimakasih atas kunjungan.
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