Responsive, SEO Ready and clean blogger template
Yaminth Blogger Template is a new Pro look Blogger Template, this template is adapted from WordPress. This template has 2 columns layout along with 3 columns footer. This template is ads ready, SEO Ready, One right sidebar along with many features. This template works with all type of browsers. This template is specially design for personal and commercial blogs. Yaminth Blogger Template is magazine style blogger template. You Can Download it free from our blog.

Date Released: Jan, 2013
Designer: New Blogger Themes

Creative Commons Attribution: You are free to use, distribute or adapt this template for your personal or commercial website. But, you must attribute the work to the author. Should not remove credit links.

More Features :
SEO Ready : Yaminth template is optimized for Search engines like Google. This template helps your website to rank higher in search engines. Ad Ready : Use this template to show Banner advertisement or Google ads easily. Make money using your site. RSS Buttons : Yaminth template comes with RSS Buttons. Let your user follow you using your RSS feed. Social Buttons : This template comes with social buttons like facebook, twitter etc., Let your users share your content easily.  Search box : Yaminth template has search box in it. Search box helps your user to find the content easily on your site. Widget Menu : This template has Widget menu. Meaning, you do not need to edit the HTML to set up navigation menu. No HTML changes : This template works out of the box without any HTML changes. Use this template if you are not comfortable in editing HTML.

Set up Featured Post :
Open the Yaminth Blogger template.xml file in a text editor like notepad or notepad++. Find following code. Replace ENTER-FEATURED-POST-1-LINK-HERE to the featured post link, change src value for Image to point to the featured post image. Replace "Enter Featured Post 1 Title Here" with the Post title. Follow this for all 4 featured posts. After these changes you can upload this template in Blogger.
<div id='featured-posts'>
<ul id='featured-posts-list'>
<!-- Featured Post 1 Code Start --> <li>
<div class='featured-post-image'>
<a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-1-LINK-HERE'><img src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhKT9-UEzfDNb5oEG7yumtpr3sCPPhRI8yqgTg2dnTPxH6t4ZG1uoa1DiBpibIIPWyJs6Nm1LfaIOj4wQDoAUK-17Ttn0wKHDhFhNx1oXOLs0ecrWxhbIV4P2dhmnCRz6q8v5UPhgcFNFM/s1600/1.jpg'/></a>
<div class='featured-post-text'>
<h2 class='featured-post-title'><a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-1-LINK-HERE'>Enter Featured Post 1 Title Here</a></h2> </div> </li>
<!-- Featured Post 1 Code End -->
<!-- Featured Post 2 Code Start -->
<div class='featured-post-image'>
<a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-2-LINK-HERE'><img src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh6w2PuYVkW2TG21AKlZkc3nWGAoR26JnXIH0OKEco3SXbY0FONLusXRNlP7i6yV5YdnONGNpD8QQRQCbL63GIr49YgCd5vlIS3LQeoaZLXjmkQo6x22apz94d1gnfBeLH_mFLVElOzzB4/s1600/2.jpg'/></a>
<div class='featured-post-text'>
<h2 class='featured-post-title'><a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-2-LINK-HERE'>Enter Featured Post 2 Title Here</a></h2>
<!-- Featured Post 2 Code End -->
<!-- Featured Post 3 Code Start -->
<div class='featured-post-image'>
<a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-3-LINK-HERE'><img src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjfSn3Mmw_uNDtxw4Pi3PpAv6_KcXmODBkm7261zcvIXKE2l3XrHSZCPJfF_977M4AuaujdReRkljIx-jDD37bxK8HyQcL5_Y-afUKQJncwjUj8lZR4r3bjg5Yys_-5NScu_jBxbiy4VNQ/s1600/3.jpg'/></a>
<div class='featured-post-text'>
<h2 class='featured-post-title'><a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-3-LINK-HERE'>Enter Featured Post 3 Title Here</a></h2>
<!-- Featured Post 3 Code End -->
<!-- Featured Post 4 Code Start -->
<div class='featured-post-image'>
<a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-4-LINK-HERE'><img src='https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjJ7QmnVIaIZf_nm8ONjkm-Zj4oLAtCHHvB4PYZqF0KLd6bqYy4cJgNT-aWOBgn7Q342-a2D7KI9QX-oWkxzJxGuw2jVmtQDPCgnbTIFd6kVUMS00mCeCRj8IKOlkfGT2tZDKnvHh4e6JY/s1600/4.jpg'/></a>
<div class='featured-post-text'>
<h2 class='featured-post-title'><a href='ENTER-FEATURED-POST-4-LINK-HERE'>Enter Featured Post 4 Title Here</a></h2>
<!-- Featured Post 4 Code End -->
Timestamp formatting :
Go to Settings -- Language and Formatting. Update the Date Header Format and Timestamp format to Tuesday, January 29, 2013 like format.

Top Navigation Menu :
This template comes with Widget menu. Go to Layout and find Edit this Menu widget and click Edit. Add the links easily in this widget. No hierarchical menu available with this template.

Set up Recent posts :
For recent posts to work like our demo, please go to Layout -- click Edit on Recent posts widget. Paste following script in the content box. 
<style type='text/css'>
#recent-posts img{float:left;margin-right:10px;border:1px solid #999;background:#FFF;width:36px;height:36px;padding:3px}
<div id='recent-posts'>
<script type='text/javaScript'>
var rcp_numposts=5;
var rcp_snippet_length=150;
var rcp_info='yes';
var rcp_comment='Comments';
var rcp_disable='Turn off comments';
function recent_posts(json){var dw='';a=location.href;y=a.indexOf('?m=0');dw+='<ul>';for(var i=0;i<rcp_numposts;i++){var entry=json.feed.entry[i];var rcp_posttitle=entry.title.$t;if('content'in entry){var rcp_get_snippet=entry.content.$t}else{if('summary'in entry){var rcp_get_snippet=entry.summary.$t}else{var rcp_get_snippet="";}};rcp_get_snippet=rcp_get_snippet.replace(/<[^>]*>/g,"");if(rcp_get_snippet.length<rcp_snippet_length){var rcp_snippet=rcp_get_snippet}else{rcp_get_snippet=rcp_get_snippet.substring(0,rcp_snippet_length);var space=rcp_get_snippet.lastIndexOf(" ");rcp_snippet=rcp_get_snippet.substring(0,space)+"&#133;";};for(var j=0;j<entry.link.length;j++){if('thr$total'in entry){var rcp_commentsNum=entry.thr$total.$t+' '+rcp_comment}else{rcp_commentsNum=rcp_disable};if(entry.link[j].rel=='alternate'){var rcp_posturl=entry.link[j].href;if(y!=-1){rcp_posturl=rcp_posturl+'?m=0'}var rcp_postdate=entry.published.$t;if('media$thumbnail'in entry){var rcp_thumb=entry.media$thumbnail.url}else{rcp_thumb="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-F9gb64Mlbq0/UOc8eRKL3sI/AAAAAAAACms/DEXj7UWLbkg/s000/no-image.png"};}};dw+='<li>';dw+='<img alt="'+rcp_posttitle+'" src="'+rcp_thumb+'"/>';dw+='<div><a href="'+rcp_posturl+'" rel="nofollow" title="'+rcp_snippet+'">'+rcp_posttitle+'</a></div>';if(rcp_info=='yes'){dw+='<span>'+rcp_postdate.substring(8,10)+'/'+rcp_postdate.substring(5,7)+'/'+rcp_postdate.substring(0,4)+' - '+rcp_commentsNum+'</span>';};dw+='<div style="clear:both"></div></li>';};dw+='</ul>';document.getElementById('recent-posts').innerHTML=dw;};document.write('<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"/feeds/posts/default?alt=json-in-script&max-results='+rcp_numposts+'&callback=recent_posts\"><\/script>');
Meta Description :
This template uses Search preferences options for meta description. Go to settings -- Search Preferences and enter a description for your site. This description will come as meta description for your home page. Helpful for Search engines. Also, you can add meta descriptions for every page you create in blogger. This template is completely optimized for SEO by New Blogger Themes in ALL ABOUT BLOGSPOT TEMPLATES

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