WebDepot Blogspot Template

WebDepot Blogger Template is a combination of different color schemes which makes it look unique
Template Name: WebDepot
Platform: Blogger/Blogspot 
Release date : 28, June 2013 
Author : www.templateism.com
License : Creative Commons Attribution 3.0

The WebDepot Blogger Template is a combination of different color schemes which makes it look unique. This theme is ideal for Designing, web developing, and Magazine based website especially for those who stress more towards designing niche. Unlike our other themes, this has a lot of matchless features including some CSS3 inclusion and other significant functions. When you talk about pure designing, this template is almost invisible because we have used a lot of features for the first time. It has clean and sleek design and has a lot of gutsy utilities.

  Features of WebDepot Blogger Template  
  • Colorful Sidebar Title: Unlike other blogger templates, we have first time use a new technique to display colorful sidebar titles along with a smallish icon. For example, for Facebook Widget, we have used Dark blue sidebar title along with a small Icon “F” Logo representing Facebook.
  • Eye-Catching Social Counter Buttons: At the bottom of each post, you can see social count buttons arranged in such a way that it could bring an eye-catching spark in your visitors. We have added Facebook, Twitter and Google+ social counter buttons.
  • SEO Friendly: Like our most of the theme, this is also SEO Friendly. It is pre-optimized for on-page SEO. Including heading tags, Meta tags, Keywords and in-depth optimizing things. More importantly, the speed of this it significantly faster than the majority of other heavy-duty templates.
  • Thumbnail Related Posts: In this theme, we have added a Thumbnail Related post widget which would work on automation. The Thumbnails are of normal size so it could easily be seen by the readers.
More Features: Drop Down Menu, 4 column footers, multi-color scheme, threaded commenting system, 2 column templates, and much more.

  From the Designer's Desk  
We hope this theme has helped you in renovating your blog with awesomeness. Let us know what you think about this multi-color theme? Suggests and bugs would be more than welcomed. On a second note, take a few moments to sign up for our newsletter to keep on enjoying our latest theme release. Use the Subscription widget located in the sidebar, just round the corner!

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