Metro Blogger Template with 4 column footer

Metro blogger Template- A Unique Stylish Blogger Template
Metro Blogger Template
Metro is a free blogger template custom design with 1 Right Sidebar, 2 Column, Ads Ready, Blogger, Blue, Custom Navbar, Fixed, Gray, Page Number, Responsive, and now you can download Metro blogger template for free  in All About Blogspot Templates.

Template Author  :   Ozynetwork
Designer     :
Metro blogger Template- A Unique Stylish Blogger Template. Two Column Metro Style template with 4 column footer. Highly Customized Navigation and sidebar menus. Author Box with Related posts and subscription box.

Almost everything from head to toe is customized and we haven’t left a single item in customization. Some of the features are very impressive like Metro Style Navigation Menu, Metro Style Post titles and Metro Social Subscription widget. This is a free of cost template but in order to thanks the Author you must keep the credit link.


What More Metro Blogger Template?

Beside these fantastic features, Blogger Metro blogger Template has many other exciting features which you will definitely like. After reviewing the features, we will now take a look over the customization part.

1) Open Your Blogger dashboard and click on  template and Edit Html.
2) Now open the file we provided it to you and copy all the data from that file and paste it there.
3) Save your template and the installation process in over.

1) Click on Template >> Edit Html.
2) Press CTRL+F and search for
<div class='mblmetromenu'>
3) Edit the Menus and Put the links.

Author Box1) Click on Template >> Edit HTML
2) Press CTRL+F and search for
<div class='auth-panel'>
3) Edit the Author panel and you are done.

Meta Tags1) Press CTRL+F and search for
<!--meta tags-->
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<title>Mtro|A stylish blogger template</title>
2) Edit the Keywords, Meta Description and Title for your blog and you are done!

Happy blogging BROO.

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